Milling Machine

Milling Machine: One of the machine tools and machining These devices are similar in appearance and for drills with the difference that you have at least a three-axis table movement. (x y z)

Winner of this device, the blade of milling tools. Some things that can be done on this machine

• Razor page

• Bring in Groove

• Cutting

• Side shave

• Gear teeth shave

• Spiral gear shave

• Copy of copy of the work by means of milling machine

• Razor blade to form milling form.

Milling machines in General can be divided into two categories:

• General milling machines

• Special milling machines

General milling machines to vertical and horizontal milling machines can be divided into:

Horizontal milling machine

The centerpiece of this type of machine tools horizontal milling and table them in three directions perpendicular to both the longitudinal and the transverse and vertical-move. Machine tools horizontal milling may be simple or for doors angular. Tables for machine tools horizontal milling for doors angular vertical axis in addition to the aforementioned movements away rotates and thus not only in the direction parallel to or perpendicular to the axis of the machine but also along each angle relative to horizontal on the screen it moves. Machine tools horizontal milling straight grooves and surfaces for shaving and razor shave and grate and spiral form to work.

Simple horizontal milling machine main parts: 1-column, 2-axis mechanism the gearbox 3-4 speed gear box-table 5-upper arm 6-jugular 7-page 8-strap knee grate machine

Car column of iron casts and shaped cans and made it inside the motor actuator, gear box mechanisms speed, load and car mechanism are mounted to the jugular.

Lap Desk for car, car is a solid abutment and upper casual way that Ann to move the embedded table. In order to make the work piece vertically so the car lap times showed that on the vertical column formation.

Jugular Central steel and machine is voided that fixed milling on the blades. Speed gear box to change the rotational speed of the jugular (axis) is considered. Gear box once to move the table in three directions to work.

Vertical milling machine

Vertical milling machine building as the photo suggests similar horizontal milling machine set with the difference that its axis is vertical and perpendicular to each other in three directions. Of the vertical milling machines for shaving the edge milling of surfaces by means of their WINS are located on their forehead.

Milling blade types:

Cutting tool on this device are blade-fingered, mercenary, a modular people, roller, swallows

The various operations of the blades of the milling is done pursuant to the variation of the shape and size of these tools. If this on all the other tools that are used machinery is the preference. However the choice of blade milling in most cases is by no means as difficult because the shape and size of that surface must be working and the quality of milling milling operation (rough shave or pay something) the shape and size of the milling. The geometric shape of blade geometric shape milling and edge of the grate is the winner of the original winning one or two minor edge. Milling blade can be divided in terms of the following: (a) to the axis of the gear situation) blade milling: all roller and angular and frontal cone shave. B) gears: all the right gear and spiral gear and gear tilt. (C) domestic building: all simple integrated) and ink and chndparche. D) blade milling close method: all punching and fingered. How to do the work: all e) roller and angular and mercenary CNC lathe and the form of the forehead and the CNC lathe-screw and gear, etc. The milling blade based on the shape and the type of work that they are doing are divided as follows: 1. all roller: roller with all the right gear or on the lateral surface of a cylindrical Helix is located for scraping surfaces always goes to work. Nowadays all roller with gear-spiral.

Edge wins this shank cutters work goes down configurations and the resulting calmer milling blade works and thereby further the level of shaved and smooth. In addition to guiding the chip in this shank cutters are better done because your gear milling is also pushing chip can help. Because the number of spiral milling gear that NLP works units together much of the gear is all right it can be a number of cassette and its gear as a result of them coarse ribs than the right gear is the diameter of the milling gear they construct and thus also on the strength of the Gear milling added and also the distance between gears to filings higher guidance. Nowadays all the right gear just to shave 35 mm width levels. The angle of the inclined spiral gear for all fine gear for about 20-25 and for all coarse gear at about 50 to 55 degrees is selected. All spiral gear defect is that when working with axial pressure milling. The value of this pressure to the angle of inclination depend on gears. Because of this, sometimes the two blade spiral milling gear that they opposed each other in order to tend gear (one right and one left) is equal to the angle of inclination, but they can understand the pressure on the milling machine to pivot on the neutral axis and Arbor. 2-all mercenary: the shank cutters for bringing in different slots and cut metals and other things to do. Groove milling gear shave time from the front and both parties work to trashand i.e. the lateral surface of the main action of milling milling do forehead and gives it a smooth Groove wall and pay. All the mercenary for bringing in nicks (the socket slot, etc) and cut the metal process and sometimes also called a saw all. By means of the blade shank cutters can be such a gap width of 3.0-4 mm on the metals. All roller and two large foliaceous fabric often means the body formation of typical steel milling and tool steels from the blades or made tendber together. 3-fingered all conical shaft end cutters: these have or that are cylindrical CAP or by means of special cartridge in the hole axis milling machine are tight. This shank cutters for narrow slots to shave different shapes are used.

Milling blade: this blade are negative are the gear and gear-shaped disk of filings.

Milling blade problems:

1) low accuracy 2) low flexibility to produce different gears 3) create wear and slippage between gears 4) surface fatigue and resonance phenomenon of Pitting 5) the possibility of breaking the blade at high speeds and create serious damage (even death)


Milling Machine

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